Personal Care

BVDF Homecare offer a discreet and caring approach to delivering services:
Dressing, undressing, bathing, showering and continence care remain aspects of all our everyday lives, whether through age illness or disability many of us may start to find this difficult over a period of time. If you are finding managing your own personal care or the care of a loved one difficult we are there to help and assist. There may be many reasons why you require help with your own or your loved ones personal care, whether it is feelings of embarrassment, or anxieties over how to safely move or be lifted, our team of highly trained and experienced care staff can help alleviate the problem by taking on as much or as little of the responsibility as you wish assisting in the areas you need us to.
Why Blyth Valley Disabled Forum Personal Care Services

Share the Responsibility
It is very common for a family member to wish to remain the primary carer of a loved one, We at Blyth Valley Disabled Forum fully support this approach, by sharing the responsibility of care by assisting with as much or as little as is needed
Promoting Independence
Our care staff will take on as much or as little of the care that is required, assisting only in areas that are needed thus not impeding or taking away the independence of the client.
Worry Free
We are more than happy to help with all aspects of personal care that may cause embarrassment or discomfort for either or both parties, for example with bathing dressing or continence care.
Given the specific needs of personal care it is most often delivered first thing in the morning and/or last thing at night. As such our staff are trained to assist with any prescribed medications and ensure that our clients are safely assisted and fully supported to bed ensuring all doors are securely locked upon leaving.
Our services are tailored for you in increments of fifteen minutes depending upon the level of assistance required. You can add any of our other services to your package to ensure it is right for you.
All prices for personal care packages are 1 Hour £20.40 | 45 mins £15.30 | 30 mins £10.20 | 15 mins £5.10
Call our office today for free consultation and advice. Tel: 01670 360927 08:30 till 17:00 or out of hours 07850 078 519. Alternatively email the Manager on